
Illustration Friday: Quiet

I will get back to creating original IF pieces soon enough. However, this week's image did emerge from my project d'jour (and I just finished it last night). A civil war battlefield... all is quiet.


Heartful said...

Wow, intriguing, but beautiful.

Michelle Lana said...

wonderful illo - great!

Willie Baronet said...

Nice drawing. An interesting take on the topic. :-)

Jana Bouc said...

Georgeous work and heartbreaking. I hope he's not dead, though dead is awfully quiet.

Amy Zaleski said...

Very interesting historical perspective...it fits nicely with the theme. Lovely drawing.

Paige Keiser said...

Beautiful - especially love the softer trees in the background--very dramatic and haunting.

Anonymous said...

Aww, such a beautiful, bittersweet illustration.

Anonymous said...

Ohh, this is very nice! I love it! :D


Poseidion said...

This is sad... and the dog really adds to the sadness... good job


ow, great drawing.. so emotional.

Digital Scott's Illustrationblog said...

Dogs rock! And so does your illustration. REally well done.