
Admiration Overdrive

I can't help it, everytime I check out a new book at the library, or browse through a bookstore, I get inspired to "investigate" the illustrators. I'll turn to the bio, seek out a website etc.. I guess that's why I'm doing this in the first place: I love the infinite variety of artwork to be found in books, take great pleasure in careful consideration of the many talents, and strive to make some small contribution of my own.

In any case, while exceptions abound, some incredibly high percentage of the children's book work that I admire springs from gradutates of Art Center and/or the Rhode Island School of Design. This is amazingly humbling sometimes, and speaks so highly of both programs and their alumni. Even though my own liberal arts education was impactful and inspiring in its own right, "three cheers" to those graduates of "A.C." and R.I.S.D. for their continued contributions.

P.S In this drawing the "major players" look a tad bit arrogant and stand-offish. This is by no means an accurate depiction of said graduates, but rather a flaw in my drawing :)

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