Room One is hosting its
4th Annual Soup Dinner on Saturday, October 9th. All summer, artists, citizens, and visitors of the Methow have been painting their hearts out in preparation. 200 bowls are glazed, fired, and ready to go!
With the price of admission, you receive a bowl of your choice (they go fast of course), a wonderful meal, and a beautiful fall evening at the Winthrop Barn. There are also a number of artisan bowls that become part of a
silent auction. As a extra treat, my inaugural participation includes a four-bowl set featuring characters from
Polar Opposites,
Slow Days, Fast Friends, and
The Practically Perfect Pajamas. You will also receive signed copies of these books, AND a piece of original art for my new comic strip,
Harts Pass.

Non-valley residents can feel free to contact me with maximum bids (Erik's bowl set only). I'd be more than happy to facilitate a long-distance bidding frenzy!
Contact me at: #509-996-4345
- Erik