
Harts Pass no. 711

I started with the left-side "pose" of a casual marmot... and I pretty much just liked the shapes and the idea of these shapeless little critters striking a pose. That, plus the juxtaposition of an innocuous little marmot and a totally ripped and no doubt "juiced" body builder. Totally comic gold! 

Or at least that's what what I was thinking :)


Harts Pass no. 710

I like to start the school year with a couple of "creative brain" exercises in the Art Room. LOTS of ways to do this, but a few years ago I came across the idea of "synectic" triggers and it makes a great but simple starting point for expanding upon your ideas. Distort things. Scale things. Repeat things... and the list goes on. Just having a little fun with that AND continuing to force my life into my comics :)