
Illustration Friday: Strength

Strong women x 2: the birth of my daughter (2 plus years ago but still amazing...) as endured by my lovely wife, was the single greatest feat of strength and determination that I have ever witnessed.


lil kim said...

Beautiful! The expressions are so calm and peaceful yet the heavy lines suggest something different. love the textures and the warmth of the muted palette.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful style! I like the sharp contrast lines and use of tans. Very nice.

Todd DeWolf said...

Wonderful tribute to these fine ladies in your life. Cheers!

Seth Russell said...

Wow, this is a beautiful illustration and a touching story. Your work continually amazes me, keep it up.

David said...

Nice illo, reminds me of when we brought my first child home from the hospital. :)

Wilnara said...

I love this image. I can relate! They both look so peaceful after such hard work!There's depth and such wonderful contrast and powerful lines! Beautiful work!!

jill said...

what a beautiful tribute to someone whom you obviously love! i love ths simplistic style and bold (but not overpowering) colors/style. thanks for sharing and posting.

Mustashrik said...

great choice of subject, and wonderful imagery ;)


Jeope said...

Digital? Scratchboard? That's a solid piece of work. Love the hair patterning.

Erik Brooks said...

Thanks Jeope and all -
This image is ink with digital color (photo shop duotones). I've been feeling a pull towards stronger line art lately and have tried to dedicate my Illustration Friday efforts to this pursuit. We'll see how long I can manage the originals every week. Already not sure about the next one...
