
Harts Pass No. 338

The comment period on the proposed grizzly bear reintroduction is wrapping up this week. As per usual with this sort of study, there are choices -- and a "goldilocks principle" certainly at work. A lot of space in the North Cascades, and a probable chance of success for the work, but nothing is ever certain and these big 'ol bears DO indeed deserve a good hard look and due consideration!

PS The comic this week was equally inspired by The Oatmeal's call for public comments: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/animalia/wp/2017/03/15/a-proposal-to-bring-back-grizzlies-just-got-a-funny-boost/?utm_term=.c89da2732da0

I submitted this cartoon along with a few more thoughts in prose. GRRR!

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