Busy of late, but thanks and recognition to several school/festival visits in October and November is LONG over due! To start, in mid-October I attended my second
Humbolt County Authors Festival. In a nutshell...

....I tagged along with a gallery tour at the
Morris Graves Museum of Art and did a short illustrator talk about my work from
Dog Diaries...

...I visited Washington Elementary and Arcata Christain Academy...

...made guest appearance on the cable access t.v. program "Homework Helpers"...

...and pretty much basked in the joyful glory of the "school visit" part of my job! Check out these great projects by the students at Arcata Christian. Above: construction paper sloths and cheetahs ala
Slow Days, Fast Friends.

On the fast/slow theme as well, the teachers crafted this great creative writing excercise. "I want to slow down when... I like to go fast when..." PLUS, they brought in an art component as the kids each painted sunsets!

Kids also wrote and illustrated their very own
Dog Diaries...

...and built their own mosters ala
Octavius Bloom and the House of Doom.

As usual, I did some drawing to compliment my talking. Here is the Alligator, Bear, Crocodile for the ABC Pre-schoolers. Yup, alligators and crocodiles are pretty similar, but that's what they wanted :)

As a special treat at lunch, we had
Slow Days, Fast Friends cake. So cool!

Look at that CAKE!

The final morning is a big booksale at the beautiful Humbolt County Library.

I shared a table with the amazingly talented writer, illustrator, singer
Bruce Hale...

...and the entire 3 days with the rest of these incredible folks.
Larry Dane Brimner, Shirley Climo, and
Mathew Gollub are pictured in the foreground here.

Finally, on Nov. 4-5 I visited 3 different schools and libraries in the
Sno-Isle Library System as a part of their annual Children's Book Week. Great, inquisitve kids in all three places...

...plus there was more CAKE! Otis the otter, featured here, is one of the many drawings that I did last spring for the Sno-Isle Kids Library Homepage. Cheers!
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