
The Methow Valley Boo Debut

Dear Methow friends and curious readers everywhere:

Just in case you've missed the posters... I will be reading and sharing the artwork from my new book, BOO'S DINOSAUR (written by Besty Byars) tomorrow night. Don’t miss:


Tuesday, October 17th
6:00pm at the Twisp River Pub**

This will be a true ALL AGES multimedia experience, featuring, among other things, a visit from Boo herself. “What?” you say, a visit from one of your drawings in the book! Really? YES. It ‘s TRUE. See for yourself tomorrow at 6:00pm.

For those needing even more: Tomorrow’s program will also feature the debut of Terry Hunt's audio recording of my last book, SLOW DAYS, FAST FRIENDS. Enjoy Terry's versatile musical stylings with vocal performaces by talented Twisp thespians, Damon and Ginny Abdullah. This was a non-commercial venture by all parties, but it turned out really great. Come take a listen and help me thank Terry, Damon and Ginny for their terrific work.

Hope to see you there :)

With a big and welcoming ROAR from the Dinosaur,


*Thanks to Brian and Amy Sweet at Trail’s End Bookstore for coordinating the event. They will be selling and I will be signing books for any and all that are interested.

**Many thanks as well to Aaron and the Pub for use of the space. The snack/bar menu WILL be available for those wanting dinner.

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