
Harts Pass no. 574

On a roll! (If I do say so myself.) This is pretty much what we have to do. Smack dab in the middle of a global heath crisis. We are in it. There is nothing to do but forge ahead and get through it. The Wolverine Way! (I mean, you can also be smart and thoughtful and scientific and compassionate about it... but that is fodder for another strip. 



Harts Pass no. 573

Yep. And then there was Covid school and my usual attempt to find a relevant MLK quote -- which you can always do!



Harts Pass no. 572

It's crazy now to think back about how much those Covid days affected our live and our thinking about EVERYTHING! I liked this attempt to draw some overlap to the challenged of "remote" learning to the life of a baby wolverine :)


Harts Pass no. 571

On rare occasion, these comics fall to a level of junior high discourse. In the best of all innocent, bodily function, kinds of ways. Let it sink in and don't' hold back the smile :)