
Harts Pass No. 556

Not an actual fall, but in the often autobiographical inspiration of this strip, I did have a harder week at school this week. Getting back to the flow. All will be fine. Momentum, people. That's the ticket!


Harts Pass No. 555


Alas, the division in this country over things that are supposed to help... Speechless. 


Harts Pass No. 554


Uhg. Back to the regular scheduled programming here. It's September... and it's STILL too HOT!


Harts Pass No. 553

OK, this one is perhaps overly sentimental -- but also totally true! There are SO many times that I have upped my game to hopefully set a good example for my daughter. And not just about being nice or working hard... but about doing things like riding roller coasters (which I actually hate) or hiking late into the day, or pushing through a VERY challenging first year of teaching -- just to show my kiddo that she too is brave and can do hard things. And she is. And she does. It is awesome! Thanks for making me brave Kit!