And for Christmas eve... I have always liked the quiet contemplation of Silent Night - of something vast and large brought down to a small and intimate instance. We're an entire world full of connected community these days, people. Look for the common thread. Slow it down. Consider. Peace out!
Presidential Polar Bear Post Card Project No. 309 - 12.23.16
Another celebratory post card today -- for all things winter, polar, and Arctic! Happy Friday world and Merry Christmas! #wearethearctic #saveourseaice #snow #wintersolstice #merrychristmas
Harts Pass No. 328
I mean the snow was already falling here in Winthrop, WA... but last night it finally FELL!!! Nothing too crazy just yet, but the skiing was grand this afternoon and we'll be gliding for weeks to come! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all of us at Harts Pass Comics!
Presidential Polar Bear Post Card Project No. 308 - 12.21.16
A little bear hug dance to celebrate both the new protections for Arctic waters AND the winter solstice! #wearethearctic #saveourseaice #keepitintheground #grrr
Presidential Polar Bear Post Card Project No. 307 - 12.20.16
Today the President banned off-shore drilling in large portions of the Arctic and Atlantic oceans! In similar news, a large crowd of studied and stoic polar bears formed an ursine wall at the boundaries of Alaska's coastal plain. Good work Obama. Good work bears! #wearethearctic #saveourseaice #keepitintheground #advocate for #climateaction #climatechangeisreal #grrr
Presidential Polar Bear Post Card Project No. 306 - 12.19.16
"Electoral College Monday..."
I'll try to get a little more optimistic and festive for my final 9 cards of the project, but the Russian hack/"messing around with" of our elections/news cycle is disturbing. The last time I checked, big oil and the Russian oligarchy could pretty much care less about jobs for working class Americans, so the joke is pretty much on all of us - and sadly our political process. Its even more unfortunate that the president-elects is so scared of having his win questioned in any way that he reacts as he does, and it does NOT bode well for the next four years. I hope that the president-elect is held justly accountable for his assorted partnerships and deals. Someone else will have to actually rise up and fight for the little guy and all of the groups and issues soon to be marginalized by this new administration.
Presidential Polar Bear Post Card Project No. 305 - 12.16.16
Presidential Polar Bear Post Card Project No. 304 - 12.16.16
A humble admission here: I spelled the President's first name wrong on my last post card! "Blush" To wit, my apology post card. As an Erik with a 'k' I'm pretty comfortable with people spelling my name wrong -- but it does seem a little more embarrassing when you write to the President and you've already written him about 300 times. So it goes kids. This kind of stuff happens to the best of us. Do your best. Be as careful as you can - but sometimes fall victim to your enthusiasm :) Onward and upward!
Presidential Polar Bear Post Card Project No. 303 - 12.15.16
"Stay informed. Write letters or make phone calls on behalf of an issue that you care about."
- President of the United States, Barack Obama
Harts Pass No. 327
The constituent at Harts Pass is absolutely sure it will NEVER be happy with the President-elect. So apologies in advance if you tire of our thinly veiled attempts at political commentary. There will also be sarcasm... and at times wolverine-centric comical rage. GRRR!
Presidential Polar Bear Post Card Project No. 302 - 12.14.16
"Send it!"
I know that there are political reasons to consider -- delicate balances of 100 year-old established practice for executive actions vs things that might be under a microscope and undone by the President elect and/or a more "united" legislative and executive branch -- but given the legion of fossil fuel/big oil/climate skeptic folks that we've now lined up in all manner of essential places... President Obama just needs to SEND IT! Go big and slap some executive order packing-tape-bubble-wrap-steel-caged protection all over the place before he steps out of office. The new regime is going to shred it all to pieces anyway -- so they might as well give them more to shred. With more blockades and hurdles to clear, there might still be something left (maybe) in another 2-4 years when we can tip the scales back in a favorable direction. I really hate the fact that pretty much making easy money in traditional ways (once again and ALWAYS the 1% and not really anyone else) prevents us from moving creatively ahead with a clean energy economy and other decisions that could literally change the world... #wearethearctic #saveourseaice #keepitintheground
Presidential Polar Bear Post Card Project No. 301 - 12.13.16
I took today's quote from an article about this past year's 'truly unprecedented' Arctic warming trend. You can read the full article about NOAA's climate report card over on #wearethearctic
Presidential Polar Bear Post Card Project No. 300 - 12.12.16
Down in San Diego visiting some old college friends this past weekend. A little running, a little spectating (watching the Footlocker Nationals XC race at Balboa Park), and some fine catching up all around. Glad to have this bunch in my life -- and hopeful to see what we all can accomplish in the next 20 years. We're younger still than we sometimes feel Fellahs -- GRRR!
Harts Pass No. 326
Snow job: (noun) definition - a strong effort to make someone believe something by saying things that are not true or sincere.
Presidential Polar Bear Post Card Project No. 298 - 12.7.16
My daughter loves winter, and I used to nicely tease her about becoming a polar bear scientist so that she could save the species. Sadly, I wish that someone had been telling ME that when I was a kid, because the timing might have been a little more right... anyway, education is key no matter how you slice it. Science. Math. Music. Art. Work for it. Study. Connect the dots... #wearethearctic
Presidential Polar Bear Post Card Project No. 296 - 12.6.16
On the drawing "table" :)
Presidential Polar Bear Post Card Project No. 294 - 12.2.16
It's a chess game now... try to think six moves ahead. #wearethearctic #protectourpubliclands #grrr!
Presidential Polar Bear Post Card Project No. 293 - 12.1.16
For Senator Diane Feinstein (D-CA). You've done admirable work in support of the environment through California's Desert Protection Act and many other things -- and the recent national monument designations are a true gift to both the people of California and to the nation as a whole. And just as you recognize that California deserts are far more than a desolate and uncommon ecosystem - that they are a landscape of the West and an "icon of our cultural heritage" - I hope that you will grant the same to the as yet unspoiled wilderness of Alaska's coastal plain. Please help to support Senate bill s.2341 and a Wilderness designation for the "1002." We are at a tipping point for decisive and legitimate actions on climate and clean power solutions. Removing drilling rights from this fragile and important place is a responsibility that we must enact for the sake of future generations. Thank you! #wearethearctic #saveourseaice #keepitintheground #protectourpubliclands
Presidential Polar Bear Post Card Project No. 292 - 12.1.16
Questions... SO many excellent questions. At this point, sadly, still not enough in the way of true and tangible answers. Chin up. They will come. #wearethearctic #saveourseaice #strongertogether
Presidential Polar Bear Post Card Project No. 291 - 11.30.16
Bernadette Demientieff is one of many Arctic advocates on the Gwich'in Steering Committee. The quote above is from her appearance in the recently released video "The Refuge," which was put together by Patagonia, The Alaska Wilderness League, and the Gwich'in. Watch the video and sign the petition to support this conservation effort:
Presidential Polar Bear Post Card Project No. 290 - 11.30.16
Senator from Virginia and recent Vice-Presidential candidate, Tim Kaine, is another voice that we need on the side of increased protections for Alaska's coastal plain. The question of resource development in the Arctic versus the contrasting impact on both the people, the landscape, and the over-arching cultural significance of this place, is exactly the kind of "sacred responsibility" that he is talking about above. Please support Senate bill s.2341 for a Wilderness designation for ANWAR's "1002." Thank you! #wearethearctic
Presidential Polar Bear Post Card Project No. 289 - 11.29.16
And for another Senator from Delaware, Chris Coons. Although seemingly far afield, this polar bear cub and nesting Red Knot (a bird who migrates all the way to Tierra del Fuego via stops in Delaware Bay) find common ground in their Arctic upbringing. While depicting a benign and somewhat whimsical relationship in this instance, warmer arctic waters and less sea ice means that Red Knot eggs will become prime scavenge for bears and other Arctic predators when their normal prey is harder to find. Further south along various coastal migration routes, rising sea levels will also threaten traditional Red Knot habitats. Please Senator Coons, become a signatory of Senate bill s.2341 and help to support a Wilderness designation for ANWAR's coastal plain. Your concerns about expanding drilling operations into the Atlantic should be equally valid for currently unspoiled and untrammeled areas of the "1002." Alaska's coastal plain does NOT have to go down as another casualty of short-term thinking and heedless resource extraction at the expense of both the indigenous Gwich'in people, the wildlife that inhabit the landscape, and our greater common connection to this awe inspiring place. Thank you for your support!
Presidential Polar Bear Post Card Project No. 288 - 11.29.16
A nod today to Delaware's Senator, Tom Carper. Congratulations on your recent appointment to serve as the top Democrat on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee -- and hopefully we can get your support (and your Fighting Blue Hen spirit) behind bill s.2341 and a Wilderness designation for ANWAR's long disputed coastal plain. The time is now to shore up progress on climate actions the world over - and to hold our country accountable to both a clean environment AND the economic growth that is simultaneously possible. Alaska's unspoiled coastal plain does NOT have to go down as another casualty of short-term thinking and heedless resource extraction at the expense of both the indigenous Gwich'in people, the wildlife that inhabit the landscape, and our greater common connection to this awe inspiring place. Thank you for your support!
Presidential Polar Bear Post Card Project No. 286 - 11.27.16
Turns out I'm just not 100% awesome at keeping up on the post cards when faced with trips away from home and/or major holidays -- but anyway, in the absence of regular postings last week, a digitally created card for this cyber Monday. Hope that everyone had a fine Thanksgiving weekend with family and friends. Still picking at last year's whale carcass... thusly both a literal and figurative turn of phrase.
Presidential Polar Bear Post Card Project No. 285 - 11.20.16
Recent CONTINUED shrinking of the arctic sea ice -- even during the ever darker month of October -- is a fine example of how things are far from normal in our arctic atmosphere and oceans.
Presidential Polar Bear Post Card Project No. 282 - 11.16.16

The Paris Agreement has global buy-in. The time is now to hold ourselves accountable and to keep our focus on a low emissions future.
Harts Pass No. 323
Perhaps a lot of similar sentiments this past week... but wolverines DON'T actually hibernate, so stay vigilant and keep the checks and balances of our government accountable!
Presidential Polar Bear Post Card Project No. 279 - 11.10.16
Alright, head out of my disappointed butt, and back on it! Hopefully President Obama is seeing these... or at the very least he might someday see them as a collection when he catches up on all of his Presidential mail. That being said, he DEFINITELY needs to remove the originals from the White House because this entire hopeful act of sending original art and advocating for further protections in the Arctic will no doubt fall on deaf ears with the next administration.
However, taking the higher road and since education IS absolutely in need... I am committed to skewing the next several months of post card submissions towards facts and figures about climate change. It's my recommendation that the President and staff make photo copies and hide them around the White House. You know, taped to the mirror in the Lincoln bedroom, tucked into books or hidden in lampshades of the Oval Office. That kind of stuff. Perhaps if the new President sees enough of this info presented in sort of a cartoon, kid-friendly format, it will start to sink in. PS I'll be sure to give the bear some stereotypical "smart kid" glasses and other props that are easy to digest. Given the President elects predilection for stereotypes and quick judgements, this should only help with the assimilation of information...
Harts Pass No. 322
On Tuesday morning when this was finished, I was very much looking forward to the end of the election AND the first snow of winter. I am shocked for sure at the ultimate choice of the American electorate... so I hope the snow flies fast and deep!
Presidential Polar Bear Post Card Project No. 278 - 11.9.16
For several years between about 6th and 8th grade, if I was having a nightmare I could spin my dream-self around like Lynda Carter's Wonder Woman and wake up. It was a "power" of sorts -- and a control that I possessed over scary/stressful dreams. I tried again this afternoon... It's not working!
Presidential Polar Bear Post Card Project No. 275 - 11.4.16
With the "boys of summer" done with their game, it's high time for the snow to fly! While the official start to winter is still 7 weeks away, the cooler, darker days are critical to a balanced world.
Presidential Polar Bear Post Card Project No. 274 - 11.3.16
The Cubs win! And cubs of all kinds rejoice :) A history breaking and history making game for sure. Please encourage President Obama to create a new field of dreams by making the Arctic Refuge National Monument a reality! #wearethearctic
Harts Pass No. 321
I'm pretty ready for the recent political "process" to conclude. That being said, the wolverines and I are absolutely voting for Hillary Clinton, and the grumpy weasel from the other side is in no way shape or form prepared to lead this country in any sensible way.
Presidential Polar Bear Post Card Project No. 273 - 11.2.16
I didn't quite finish out the total sweep of #inktober days, but with this final "friend" prompt, I kept a polar bear in play for something like 27 of October's 31 days :) A few short months of my Polar Bear Post Card Project to go, and I'll be back to five posts a week for the remainder. Anniversary celebrations for the original Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to accompany Thanksgiving and the other major calendar holidays ahead. Enjoy the bears and please find your own way to participate in the greater political process - voting, letter writing, educating - whatever that might be! #wearethearctic #saveourseaice #climateaction #inktober2016
Presidential Polar Bear Post Card Project No. 272 - 10.28.16
Very important that we think outside of the "box" on clean energy solutions. It's happening, yes, but we must double-down on efforts and not retreat too easily for the sake of convenience or expediency. The price to be paid for future losses of unique and critical habitat and/or culturally significant territory is far to great. A stretch of a connection for this #inktober2016 edition, but workable nonetheless! #wearethearctic #keepitintheground #ArcticRefuge #climateaction
Presidential Polar Bear Post Card Project No. 271 - 10.28.16
Another late night postcard keeping school visits, coaching, and drawing and other work efforts in relative balance... and I thusly have no problem with the "tired" theme for this #inktober2016 contribution. A worthwhile effort -- and now I'm off to bed! #goodnight #inktober #saveourseaice
Presidential Polar Bear Post Card Project No. 270 - 10.27.16
#inktober "dozen" prompt... So in this case we defer to the more regional popularity of the "12s". Growing up in Anchorage, the Seattle Seahawks were definitely the team of choice - back in the Steve Largent days of yore. The fandom of the 12's is a more modern thing for sure, but I'm fairly certain that most Alaskan' polar bears are rooting' for the Hawks.
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