
Harts Pass no. 509


Because it bears worth repeating...


Harts Pass no. 508


These next two comics speak for themselves... and I'm glad that they did! Onward and upward. There is work to be done!


Harts Pass no. 507

Among the MANY soon to be announced final hacks of the Trump administration, apparently wolverines DON'T require federal protection under the endangered species act. And neither do wolves... and neither do people really regarding current federal examples for Covid-19 protections.


Harts Pass no. 506

OK, here we go! A little late on the political cartoons but even without a crystal ball I'm willing to bet on this still being relevant.


Harts Pass no. 505

No way that we don't get tired of masks and social distancing, and not eating dinner at a friend's house... but we will! Snow in the mountains. Change is coming. One way or another its a shift in the routine. Even that small little bit is worth it right now. Stay safe out there!