For starters, my school visit year for 2007-2008 closed out in style. I took a 3-day mini-tour from June 3rd to June 5th visiting John Newbery Elementary in Wenatchee, Wa, Eagle Rock Elementary in Duvall, Wa, and Silver Ridge Elementary in Silverdale, Wa. Awesome kids, teachers, and librarians in every location! But alas, I was a lame visitor when it came to taking pictures... sigh :(
For those involved, send me some photos and I will post them here.
As usual, we talked about my work as an author/illustrator, but I also imparted some illustrator "wisdom" with a custom art lesson or two in both the Duvall and Silverdale locations. Kids, you'll have to let me know if that was actually worth your time, but thanks very much for the opportunity and I can't wait to see some of your own summer artwork!
Last but not least, a few book sightings. Its alwasy good to see your stuff when you least expect it (and even when you do!)

I haven't technically seen this one yet, but a friend just e-mailed to say that POLAR POLKA is reviewed, or at least mentioned in the current Alaska Airlines in flight magazine. Check it out when you take to the sky this summer, and I will scan in a copy when I have one to share.

And this is the Barnes & Noble book display from my recent trip to Silverdale, WA. It's not everyday that you get a few precious feet of display space in the children's section like this, so I've got it captured for posterity. Thank you as well for helping with the Silver Ridge book orders!
Also from the Silverdale Barnes & Noble: Mama's Little Duckling by an illustrator friend, Mike Wohnoutka. Mike does really great work, and it was cool to see his book front and center several thousand miles from Minneapolis. He was NOT doing a Silverdale school visit, which makes this even cooler :)

1 comment:
i always look for my mom's books in B&N and it's pretty hit or miss. so i was pretty psyched earlier this month to be walking through the gift shop in the smithsonian's national museum of the american indian and there was shingebiss on the shelves. i took a picture for her.
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