Harts Pass no. 725

Harts Pass no. 724

Harts Pass no. 723

Harts Pass no. 722

First Snow!

Harts Pass no. 719

Harts Pass no. 717
Harts Pass no. 714
Ezra makes a return appearance... and helps Kit to ponder the nature of time, relativity, patience, AND the notion that looking deeper at things can often reveal unexpected understandings. Sometimes good, and sometimes not so much :) GRRR!
Harts Pass no. 713
I saw a headline in the paper regarding Thor Industries (THO) beating their Q4 estimates. That seemed like a funny premise just to start, but it turns out that Thor Industries is very much a recreational vehicle (RV) and motorhome conglomerate that owns everything from Airstream to Venture RV (and 14 other brands in between.) It is DEFINITELY the kind of business that an entrepreneurial wolverine would want to own :) GRRR!
Harts Pass no. 712
Another haiku comic and it feels like this one nicely suits the week ahead. On Sunday we will officially transition into fall, and in typical fashion Melanie is also trading out her summer flower for some fall foliage. The days are getting shorter and the days much darker, but this is one of my favorite times of year.
Harts Pass no. 711
I started with the left-side "pose" of a casual marmot... and I pretty much just liked the shapes and the idea of these shapeless little critters striking a pose. That, plus the juxtaposition of an innocuous little marmot and a totally ripped and no doubt "juiced" body builder. Totally comic gold!
Or at least that's what what I was thinking :)
Harts Pass no. 710
I like to start the school year with a couple of "creative brain" exercises in the Art Room. LOTS of ways to do this, but a few years ago I came across the idea of "synectic" triggers and it makes a great but simple starting point for expanding upon your ideas. Distort things. Scale things. Repeat things... and the list goes on. Just having a little fun with that AND continuing to force my life into my comics :)
Haiku Comics :)
The end result of a haiku comics workshop that I enjoyed attending over the weekend. If you scour my instagram you can see that I occasionally work in this format for my Harts Pass comics as well. John Burgess did a nice job of detailing some haiku/comic history, and David Lasky conducted a small workshop on creating a strip.
Harts Pass no. 707

If I Were a Fox!
The illustration above is not in the book, but it was one of several little practice paintings that I've been working on to test out colors and textures. It also became a postcard and journied to a friend in Alaska just a few days ago!
Harts Pass No. 706

Harts Pass No. 703

Harts Pass No. 702
It's summer in the Methow and water is a HUGE part of what makes any of this work! July (and especially August) are FAR from my favorite seasons in this place, but the rivers and lakes make it bearable -- not to mention their impact on agriculture and fish and all of that jazz :)
Harts Pass No. 701

Harts Pass No. 700
It is curious, I think, that SO many people seem to have opinions about these reclusive mega fauna. Sure, it will be an adjustment to our normal way of jaunting off into the woods if/when a reintroduction of Grizzly bears should ever take place, but as is true of so many other things as well, most people's opinions on something like a new world of Grizzlies in the woods are supremely under-informed. GRRR!
Harts Pass No. 699

Harts Pass No. 692
I can say this now, but there is something about this comic where I was trying to express the constant juggle of teaching and coaching and making art. I am, after MANY years of coaching, removing that hat and giving my chance a self to refocus again on my art and writing. I will miss coaching immensely -- just like I have missed having a little more time for art over the last 6+ years since I started teachings. Onwards and upward!