

A Holiday Book Signing at Everyday Athlete

On Friday, December 2nd, step on out to Everyday Athlete for an evening of cookies and books. In honor of Polar Opposites, we'll be snacking on America's favorite black n' white cookies (the irresistible Oreo) and washing them down with a tall (probably short) glass of milk.

With due respect to Who Has These Feet?, our hosts for the night own the finest running shoe store east of Green Lake.


Who Has This Tail? Summer 2012!

The final comps arrived today for Who Has This Tail? The publication date is still many months away, but it's looking great and the designers did a terrific job once again.


Zina in Brushes

Drawing on plane rides is great. In a seat. Small table. Time. No where else to go. My experiments with the iPad Brushes App continue! Three days of school and library visits await :)