Another nice round of visits this afternoon. In this instance, to my local local libraries: Winthrop and Twisp. Here are a few of the promised coloring pages as inspired by our group drawings in round no. 1 of the summer reading tour. Just click on the images to enlarge and then print away. More to follow!
The titles aren't working in Blogger right now...
In any case, I'll shout this news from just about anyplace: My latest book is going to be on THE TODAY SHOW!
Author Emme Aronson will discuss her first children's book (and my latest illustration project) during THE TODAY SHOW on Monday July 9th. It will most likely air during the final hour of programming, but watch it all to be sure :)
Sinking Fast

Hopped-up on caffine and altogether distanced from REM cycle no. 2, I am sinking fast but nearing completetion on the POLAR POLKA project. Stay tuned for a virtual whoop it up when I put both the project AND myself to bed, but the light is glowing faintly at the end of the tunnel. A short vacation awaits!
Summer Reading: Round No. 1
I actually kicked things off last week with visits to Republic, Tonasket and Oroville -- and thanks very much to all of the librarians and patrons that made those visits such an excellent start to the summer. Following, are just a few photos from part 1b of my summer library tours: Mattawa - Grand Coulee. Photos of crowds are conspicuously absent, but I will add a few when I get them -- the photos, that is, not the crowds :) Thank you!
The Horsharkasaurous Maximous: Also discovered in Quincy. BEWARE!
**Check back soon to see some of these fine creatures turned into coloring book sheets.
"Points of Interest" along my route. After Moses Lake, Warden and Ephrata, WA, I headed north again through Soap Lake and into Grand Coulee country. Some incredible geologic history in this area. Visit the Ice Age Floods Institute for more info. I took too many pictures of cool rocks and canyons to post here :)
A reason for smiles in Soap Lake, WA. The Pigeleken!
From my day's end stroll around Coulee City. Although sage brush and grasses rule, this small town on the south end of Banks Lake reminded me a lot of places in rural Minnesota.
An finally, just some cool clouds above the neatly hospitable Ala Cozy Motel. To wit, I spent 3-6 hours every night working on my project d'jour: POLAR POLKA. It is nearing completion, but still getting lots of work. Back to it!

**Check back soon to see some of these fine creatures turned into coloring book sheets.

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